IRIS-HEP Fellow: Ed van Bruggen

Fellowship dates: Jan – Jun, 2021

Home Institution: University of Washington, Seattle

Project: Expanding Subworkflow Catalog of RECAST-wf For Event Generators

RECAST is a framework for reinterpreting LHC analyses using Yadage computational workflows. These workflows can be run on the researcher’s own computer or through the cloud application REANA RECAST-workflow builds on RECAST in order to run truth-level reinterpretations which achieve much faster results by sacrificing complexity. It also allows for workflows to be modularized through subworkflows which encapsulate each step (generation, selection, analysis). The goal of this project is to improve the command line usability and documentation, improve MadGraph integration to support custom models, and add the additional event generators Sherpa and Herwig.

More information: My project proposal

  • Shih-Chieh Hsu (U.Washington)

  • Alex Schuy (U.Washington)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
September 2021 - Physics PhD Student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

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