IRIS-HEP Projects

Name Focus Area(s) Maturity Description
200 Gbps Challenge AS, DOMA Testing 200gbps
abcd-pyhf AS Development Likelihood-based ABCD method with pyhf
Accelerated GNN Tracking IA Exploratory accel-gnn-tracking
Accelerators and ML for reconstruction IA Archived Accelerated calorimeter reconstruction using Machine Learning as a Service
ACTS IA Development Development of experiment-independent, thread-safe track reconstruction.
ADL Benchmarks AS Deployed Functionality benchmarks for analysis description languages
AmpGen AS Deployed Generation and fitting for multibody hadron decays
Analysis Grand Challenge DOMA, AS Development Analysis Grand Challenge
awesome-hep AS Deployed A curated list of awesome high energy and particle physics software
Awkward Array AS Deployed Manipulate arrays of complex data structures
Awkward-Dask AS Testing Developing a new high-level Dask collection for Awkward Arrays
cabinetry AS Deployed Building and steering template fits
Caching Data for LHC Analysis DOMA, OSGLHC Deployed Cached-based placement of analysis datasets.
Coffea-Casa DOMA, AS Testing A Prototype of Analysis Facility
Columnar PHYSLITE AS Development Columnar data analysis workflows with ATLAS PHYSLITE
DecayLanguage AS Deployed Describe and convert particle decays
exploratory-ml AS, IA Development Analysis Reinterpretation
Functional ADL AS Deployed Functional Analysis Description Language
GPU Trigger Project IA Testing Allen: a GPU trigger for LHCb
HEP Tables AS Archived Heterogeneous Distributed Array Programming Environment
Histogram projects AS Deployed Histogramming efforts
Intelligent Data Delivery Service DOMA Deployed Delivering Data. Better.
Line-Segment tracking IA Development Segment linking tracking for CMS
Machine Learning for jets IA Development Machine learning for jets
MadMiner AS Deployed Likelihood-free Inference
mkFit IA Deployed Modernizing Kalman filter tracking for CMS
Modeling Data Workflows DOMA, OSGLHC Archived Modeling HL-LHC Data flows
OSG Network Monitoring OSGLHC Deployed Provide network monitoring for LHC and OSG sites
OSG Operations OSGLHC Deployed Operate OSG-LHC services
OSG Security OSGLHC Deployed OSG Cybersecurity team
OSG Software and Release OSGLHC Deployed Provide integrated software for running dHTC services
Particle AS Deployed Pythonic particle information
ppx AS Deployed Cross-platform Probabilistic Programming eXecution protocol
pSDash OSGLHC Deployed Tracks network issues based upon the perfSONAR (and related) measurements
PV-Finder IA Testing CNNs to find primary vertices
pyhf AS Deployed Differentiable likelihoods
recast AS Deployed Analysis Reinterpretation
ROOT on Conda-Forge AS Deployed Use ROOT in Conda through Conda-Forge
Scikit-HEP AS Deployed Pythonic analysis tools
ServiceX DOMA Testing Delivering columnar data on demand
SkyhookDM DOMA Development Programmable Storage for Databases and Datasets
Third Party Copy DOMA, OSGLHC Deployed Envisioning a new way to move LHC data
uproot AS Deployed Read and write ROOT files in Python
Vector AS Deployed Manipulate vectors

gantt title IRIS-HEP project lifecycles dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %Y section ia Accelerated GNN Tracking :done , 2019-09-12, 2025-03-28 Accelerators and ML for reconstruction :crit , 2019-01-01, 2021-10-01 ACTS :done , 2016-06-09, 2025-03-28 GPU Trigger Project :done , 2018-04-19, 2025-03-28 Line-Segment tracking :done , 2020-09-01, 2025-03-28 mkFit :active , 2014-02-23, 2025-03-28 PV-Finder :done , 2018-01-19, 2025-03-28 section doma 200 Gbps Challenge :done , 2024-03-15, 2025-03-28 Caching Data for LHC Analysis :active , 2015-02-08, 2025-03-28 Coffea-Casa :done , 2019-01-01, 2025-03-28 Intelligent Data Delivery Service :active , 2019-09-01, 2025-03-28 pSDash :active , 2022-10-01, 2025-03-28 ServiceX :done , 2019-04-17, 2025-03-28 SkyhookDM :done , 2021-02-01, 2025-03-28 Third Party Copy :active , 2017-09-01, 2025-03-28 section as abcd-pyhf :done , 2021-11-23, 2025-03-28 ADL Benchmarks :active , 2019-05-05, 2025-03-28 AmpGen :active , 2019-03-22, 2025-03-28 awesome-hep :active , 2019-01-25, 2025-03-28 Awkward Array :active , 2018-06-10, 2025-03-28 Awkward-Dask :done , 2021-08-19, 2025-03-28 cabinetry :active , 2020-05-07, 2025-03-28 Columnar PHYSLITE :done , 2023-11-01, 2025-03-28 DecayLanguage :active , 2018-03-11, 2025-03-28 Functional ADL :active , 2019-09-29, 2025-03-28 HEP Tables :crit , 2020-03-15, 2025-03-28 Histogram projects :active , 2019-03-08, 2025-03-28 MadMiner :active , 2018-06-03, 2025-03-28 Particle :active , 2018-11-20, 2025-03-28 ppx :active , 2018-07-01, 2025-03-28 pyhf :active , 2018-01-19, 2025-03-28 recast :active , 2018-07-23, 2025-03-28 ROOT on Conda-Forge :active , 2019-01-13, 2025-03-28 Scikit-HEP :active , 2016-10-24, 2025-03-28 uproot :active , 2017-09-03, 2025-03-28 Vector :active , 2018-07-08, 2025-03-28