Home Institution: Princeton University
Henry Schreiner
Computational Physicist/Research Software Engineer, Princeton University-
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My research:
I work on pybind11, PyPA/cibuildwheel, PyPA/build, Scikit-Build, and Scikit-HEP. I work on Histograms, Packaging and distributions, tutorials, C++ - Python interface, CMake, and GPUs.
My expertise is:
Python, Python packaging (PyPA member, maintain lots of conda-forge recipes like Numba), Homebrew, C++ interop (pybind11), Pyodide (web assembly CPython port), CMake, Ruby, websites, CI, and scikit-build.
A problem I’m grappling with:
Distributing code (especially compiled python extensions) to students and new users, including with GPUs.
I’ve got my eyes on:
Rust and Pyodide. Also the plans for Numba.
I want to know more about:
How people are using the tools we are building, how they can all work together, what challenges have been faced.