IRIS-HEP Projects
Name | Focus Area(s) | Maturity | Description |
200 Gbps Challenge | AS, DOMA | Testing | 200gbps |
abcd-pyhf | AS | Development | Likelihood-based ABCD method with pyhf |
Accelerated GNN Tracking | IA | Exploratory | accel-gnn-tracking |
Accelerators and ML for reconstruction | IA | Archived | Accelerated calorimeter reconstruction using Machine Learning as a Service |
ACTS | IA | Development | Development of experiment-independent, thread-safe track reconstruction. |
ADL Benchmarks | AS | Deployed | Functionality benchmarks for analysis description languages |
AmpGen | AS | Deployed | Generation and fitting for multibody hadron decays |
Analysis Grand Challenge | DOMA, AS | Development | Analysis Grand Challenge |
awesome-hep | AS | Deployed | A curated list of awesome high energy and particle physics software |
Awkward Array | AS | Deployed | Manipulate arrays of complex data structures |
Awkward-Dask | AS | Testing | Developing a new high-level Dask collection for Awkward Arrays |
cabinetry | AS | Deployed | Building and steering template fits |
Caching Data for LHC Analysis | DOMA, OSGLHC | Deployed | Cached-based placement of analysis datasets. |
Coffea-Casa | DOMA, AS | Testing | A Prototype of Analysis Facility |
Columnar PHYSLITE | AS | Development | Columnar data analysis workflows with ATLAS PHYSLITE |
DecayLanguage | AS | Deployed | Describe and convert particle decays |
exploratory-ml | AS, IA | Development | Analysis Reinterpretation |
Functional ADL | AS | Deployed | Functional Analysis Description Language |
GPU Trigger Project | IA | Testing | Allen: a GPU trigger for LHCb |
HEP Tables | AS | Archived | Heterogeneous Distributed Array Programming Environment |
Histogram projects | AS | Deployed | Histogramming efforts |
Intelligent Data Delivery Service | DOMA | Deployed | Delivering Data. Better. |
Line-Segment tracking | IA | Development | Segment linking tracking for CMS |
Machine Learning for jets | IA | Development | Machine learning for jets |
MadMiner | AS | Deployed | Likelihood-free Inference |
mkFit | IA | Deployed | Modernizing Kalman filter tracking for CMS |
Modeling Data Workflows | DOMA, OSGLHC | Archived | Modeling HL-LHC Data flows |
OSG Network Monitoring | OSGLHC | Deployed | Provide network monitoring for LHC and OSG sites |
OSG Operations | OSGLHC | Deployed | Operate OSG-LHC services |
OSG Security | OSGLHC | Deployed | OSG Cybersecurity team |
OSG Software and Release | OSGLHC | Deployed | Provide integrated software for running dHTC services |
Particle | AS | Deployed | Pythonic particle information |
ppx | AS | Deployed | Cross-platform Probabilistic Programming eXecution protocol |
pSDash | OSGLHC | Deployed | Tracks network issues based upon the perfSONAR (and related) measurements |
PV-Finder | IA | Testing | CNNs to find primary vertices |
pyhf | AS | Deployed | Differentiable likelihoods |
recast | AS | Deployed | Analysis Reinterpretation |
ROOT on Conda-Forge | AS | Deployed | Use ROOT in Conda through Conda-Forge |
Scikit-HEP | AS | Deployed | Pythonic analysis tools |
ServiceX | DOMA | Testing | Delivering columnar data on demand |
SkyhookDM | DOMA | Development | Programmable Storage for Databases and Datasets |
Third Party Copy | DOMA, OSGLHC | Deployed | Envisioning a new way to move LHC data |
uproot | AS | Deployed | Read and write ROOT files in Python |
Vector | AS | Deployed | Manipulate vectors |
title IRIS-HEP project lifecycles
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %Y
section ia
Accelerated GNN Tracking :done , 2019-09-12, 2025-03-25
Accelerators and ML for reconstruction :crit , 2019-01-01, 2021-10-01
ACTS :done , 2016-06-09, 2025-03-25
GPU Trigger Project :done , 2018-04-19, 2025-03-25
Line-Segment tracking :done , 2020-09-01, 2025-03-25
mkFit :active , 2014-02-23, 2025-03-25
PV-Finder :done , 2018-01-19, 2025-03-25
section doma
200 Gbps Challenge :done , 2024-03-15, 2025-03-25
Caching Data for LHC Analysis :active , 2015-02-08, 2025-03-25
Coffea-Casa :done , 2019-01-01, 2025-03-25
Intelligent Data Delivery Service :active , 2019-09-01, 2025-03-25
pSDash :active , 2022-10-01, 2025-03-25
ServiceX :done , 2019-04-17, 2025-03-25
SkyhookDM :done , 2021-02-01, 2025-03-25
Third Party Copy :active , 2017-09-01, 2025-03-25
section as
abcd-pyhf :done , 2021-11-23, 2025-03-25
ADL Benchmarks :active , 2019-05-05, 2025-03-25
AmpGen :active , 2019-03-22, 2025-03-25
awesome-hep :active , 2019-01-25, 2025-03-25
Awkward Array :active , 2018-06-10, 2025-03-25
Awkward-Dask :done , 2021-08-19, 2025-03-25
cabinetry :active , 2020-05-07, 2025-03-25
Columnar PHYSLITE :done , 2023-11-01, 2025-03-25
DecayLanguage :active , 2018-03-11, 2025-03-25
Functional ADL :active , 2019-09-29, 2025-03-25
HEP Tables :crit , 2020-03-15, 2025-03-25
Histogram projects :active , 2019-03-08, 2025-03-25
MadMiner :active , 2018-06-03, 2025-03-25
Particle :active , 2018-11-20, 2025-03-25
ppx :active , 2018-07-01, 2025-03-25
pyhf :active , 2018-01-19, 2025-03-25
recast :active , 2018-07-23, 2025-03-25
ROOT on Conda-Forge :active , 2019-01-13, 2025-03-25
Scikit-HEP :active , 2016-10-24, 2025-03-25
uproot :active , 2017-09-03, 2025-03-25
Vector :active , 2018-07-08, 2025-03-25