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Innovative Algorithms

Algorithms to perform the real-time processing in the trigger and the reconstruction of both real and simulated detector data are critical components of HEP’s computing challenge. These algorithms face a number of new challenges in the next decade due to new and upgraded accelerator facilities, detector upgrades and new detector technologies, increases in anticipated event rates, and emerging computing architectures. Projects in the IA area are focused in three areas:

  • Developing tracking algorithms for the HL-LHC
  • Re-engineering algorithms for hardware accelerators
  • Exploiting major advances in machine learning

Tracking for the HL-LHC is an area in particular need of novel approaches as it is expected to require a large fraction of the CPU budget. IA is working to develop more efficient and performant tracking algorithms. Hardware accelerators are expected to be the way forward to speed up reduce infrastructure cost. IA is exploring the use of hardware accelerators for tracking and the use of ML on accelerators in realistic HEP applications. In the area of machine learning, IA aims to capitalize on industry and data science techniques and tools. In particular, we are investigating new HEP applications of ML and to apply new ML techniques to HEP.

Contact us: ia-team@iris-hep.org

Current and Previous IA Fellows

IA Projects

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Accelerated GNN Tracking

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Accelerators and ML for reconstruction

Accelerated calorimeter reconstruction using Machine Learning as a Service
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Development of experiment-independent, thread-safe track reconstruction.
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Analysis Reinterpretation
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GPU Trigger Project

Allen: a GPU trigger for LHCb
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Line-Segment tracking

Segment linking tracking for CMS
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Machine Learning for jets

Machine learning for jets
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Modernizing Kalman filter tracking for CMS
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CNNs to find primary vertices
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IA Presentations

IA Publications

Recent IA Recordings

Several on IRIS-HEP and HL-LHC tracking

3 May 2022
Several on IRIS-HEP and LHCb

3 May 2022
Sofia Graziano on Rotationally Equivariant Graph Neural Networks

1 Nov 2021
Kyle Feist on Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimization of Track Reconstruction at a Muon Collider

1 Nov 2021
Eric Moreno on Anomaly Detection with Spiking Neural Networks

27 Oct 2021
Rohith Karur on ANNs for ACTS

18 Oct 2021

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We collaborate with groups around the world on code, data, and more. See our project pages for more.

gantt title Innovative Algorithms project lifecycles dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %Y Accelerated GNN Tracking :done , 2019-09-12, 2024-07-27 Accelerators and ML for reconstruction :crit , 2019-01-01, 2021-10-01 ACTS :done , 2016-06-09, 2024-07-27 GPU Trigger Project :done , 2018-04-19, 2024-07-27 Line-Segment tracking :done , 2020-09-01, 2024-07-27 mkFit :active , 2014-02-23, 2024-07-27 PV-Finder :done , 2018-01-19, 2024-07-27