News, Featured Stories and Links

Discovering a Passion for Software Engineering: Manasvi Goyal and IRIS-HEP

19 September 2024

“This story is the first in a series about gap year IRIS-HEP fellows and how the program has helped shape their careers.”

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IRIS-HEP Receives $25M Funding for Another Five Years of Research

11 January 2024

“IRIS-HEP received funding from the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure and the Physics Division at the National Science Foundation for five years.”

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Out of harm’s way: Physics research program supports Ukrainian students displaced by war

12 September 2023

“Ukrainia students escape the war and pursue research at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), under supervision from Princeton University faculty.”

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High energy physicists gather at Princeton for computational training programs

07 September 2023

For the fifth year, a group of high energy physicists ranging from undergraduates to post-doctoral researchers traveled to the Princeton University campus this summer to participate in the Computational and Data Science for High Energy Physics, or CoDaS-HEP.

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Spotlight: IRIS-HEP Fellows

26 June 2023

Some recent IRIS-HEP fellows on what they learned during their time with the software collaboration, what they’re up to now, and why they’d recommend the IRIS-HEP fellowship to other up and coming researchers in the field.

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IRIS-HEP: Training a new generation of computational and data science researchers in high energy physics

13 April 2023

Overview of IRIS-HEP efforts to train future generations of physicists to have proficiency in software.

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ACTS: One software for all

23 March 2023

At the IRIS-HEP collaboration, an array of researchers are working together on the ACTS project to bring fast and efficient software to experiments of all sizes, including those which may not have had access to advanced software otherwise.

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Developing an inclusive space for women in software at IRIS-HEP

27 January 2023

At the IRIS-HEP collaboration, the current and next generation of women in software development are working together toward the future of high energy particle physics.

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Pattern-Recognition Experts Connect the Dots at Princeton

31 May 2022

The Connecting the Dots workshop brings track reconstruction experts together with other machine-learning specialists.

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IRIS-HEP executive board member Kyle Cranmer to lead University of Wisconsin–Madison's data science institute

02 May 2022

Cranmer aims to foster collaboration between scientific disciplines while addressing machine learning’s impacts on society’s most vulnerable members.

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Team Member Spotlight: Irina Espejo

11 February 2022

Irina Espejo, a New York University PhD candidate in data science and IRIS-HEP member, continually seeks to answer science’s most fundamental questions.

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IRIS-HEP collaborator Frank Würthwein named director of San Diego Supercomputer Center

08 February 2022

The particle physicist and IRIS-HEP executive board member describes the center’s mission as “translating innovation into practice”

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Team Member Spotlight: Mason Proffitt

04 January 2022

Highlights the work of Mason Proffitt, a PhD student in the University of Washington’s physics department and a member of IRIS-HEP.

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Team Member Spotlight: Henry Schreiner

15 September 2021

Highlights the work of Henry Schreiner, a computational physicist and research software engineer with IRIS-HEP.

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Deep learning, fast hardware to drive search for new physics

20 July 2021

Fast electronics and artificial intelligence are helping physicists capture data and decide what to keep and what to throw away.

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Building a career path for research software engineers

12 May 2021

Software is now fundamental to scientific research. Until recently, the people who build it have lacked recognition.

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High-energy physics opens its doors to the exabyte era

10 April 2021

As the high-energy physics community prepares for the High-Luminosity LHC, new data science challenges await.

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In the future, it will all be online: IRIS-HEP adapts training and outreach for the pandemic

30 November 2020

Training for IRIS-HEP has been online over this last year, providing challenges, but opening up new opportunities and benefits not previously possible.

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Software Sustainability & High Energy Physics Blueprint Workshop

14 October 2020

On July 22, about 80 researchers interested in both sustainable software and high energy physics gathered virtually to talk about how the high energy physics community could make its software more sustainable, wanting it to be easier to develop and maintain so that it remains available in the future on new platforms, meets new needs, and is as reusable as possible.

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Snowmass Letters Of Interest submitted by IRIS-HEP Members

12 October 2020

Highlights the Letters of Interest submitted to the Snowmass 2021 Process.

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IRIS-HEP Fellows Thrive During a Remote Summer

17 September 2020

Highlights how the IRIS-HEP fellowship program has adapted to virtual work during the pandemic.

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Preparing the Large Hadron Collider for a Data Deluge

07 May 2020

Highlights the work of research software engineer Bei Wang on making faster software for particle tracking.

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IRIS-HEP Poster Session 2020 at Princeton University

27 February 2020

IRIS-HEP held a Poster Session at Princeton University on February 27, 2020, to highlight the work of members from the first 18 months of IRIS-HEP.

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Analysis Preservation Bootcamp

17 February 2020

The first Analysis Preservation Bootcamp was held at CERN from February 17-19, 2020. Thirty graduate students and postdocs learned these new technologies aimed at ensuring reproducibility, streamlining onboarding, and extending the impact of LHC analyses through reuse.

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Machine Learning for Jet Physics Workshop (ML4Jets)

17 January 2020

NYU Hosted the third in a series of workshops focusing on Machine Learning for Jet Physics from January 15-17, 2020. The event drew more than 100 participants including experimental physicists, theoretical physicists, computer scientists, and applied mathematicians. IRIS-HEP members Kyle Cranmer and Sebastian Macaluso were the local organizers.

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Workshop on Accelerated Machine Learning and Inference (FastML)

11 September 2019

From September 10-11 at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), over 200 scientists gathered for a workshop to explore ultrafast deep learning algorithms and inference technologies, as well as the strategies driving cutting-edge ML for high energy physics.

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First USATLAS Bootcamp held in coordination with Software Carpentries and IRIS-HEP/FIRST-HEP

23 August 2019

The first USATLAS Bootcamp was a huge success. 31 students and more than 8 instructors met at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to cover four topics from both a general and experiment specific viewpoint.

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CoDaS-HEP 2019 at Princeton University

26 July 2019
For the third consecutive summer, high energy physics graduate students, postdocs and instructors from across the United States, as well as from India, Italy and Switzerland, gathered at Princeton University to attend the school on Tools, Techniques and Methods for Computational and Data Science for High Energy Physics or CoDaS-HEP, held this year from July 22 to 26.
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ML Hackathon at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

26 April 2019
The very first Machine Learning Hackathon at the Physics Department of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez took place on 24-26 April, 2019, organized by IRIS-HEP Training, Education and Outreach coordinator (and UPRM physics professor) Sudhir Malik.
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NSF funds IRIS-HEP project to address the massive data demands from the upgraded Large Hadron Collider

04 September 2018
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has launched the Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High-Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP), a $25 million effort to tackle the unprecedented torrent of data that will come from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), the world’s most powerful particle accelerator.
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IRIS-HEP is pleased to see our news stories reposted on the websites of other organizations. The stories should be reposted with credits to the IRIS-HEP website and the original authors, as well as a link to the original posting. Any alterations to the text or images for the reposting should be agreed by the IRIS-HEP Communications team. Please email