Home Institution: YALE UNIVERSITY

Jesse Farr

PhD Student
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My research:

I have been working on upgrades to the ATLAS experiment for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN. Specifically, I have been working on a component of the inner-most part of the detector, the Inner TracKer (ITk). Of parts in the ITk, I have helped develop thermal quality control metrics for staves which are the support structure/electrical housing for module detectors. I am beginning to start a Long-Lived Particle (LLP) search for displaced jets for Run 2 and partial Run 3 data from the LHC.

My expertise is:

I am proficient in silicon strip detector assembly and testing.

A problem I’m grappling with:

I would like to understand better how I can develop specific triggers to search for exotic particle signatures.

I’ve got my eyes on:

I am continuing to build and test components for the ITk. I would love to design a trigger that can be optimized for specific LLP searches.

I want to know more about: