Home Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Amelia Camino
Afc41My research:
I work on the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN which provides hadron production measurements of various thin and long targets used to create neutrino beamlines in order to help reduce the flux uncertainties for accelerator neutrino experiments. Currently, I am working on the calibration and analysis of the T2K replica target data taken in 2022.
My expertise is:
Programming experience with ROOT, C++ and the Shine framework - the main parts of the framework are detector interface, Shine Offline Event (SHOE), and modules.
A problem I’m grappling with:
How to leverage innovative software/techniques to existing databases/code to solve complicated problems in both calibration and analysis.
I’ve got my eyes on:
I’d like to refine my coding skills and learn new techniques/better practices.
I want to know more about:
Everything! But parallelizing workloads, AI, and Machine Learning are very interesting to me (since I know very little)