Home Institution: Brown University

Samuel Ferraro

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My research:

My research has been surrounding a future Muon Collider. Specifically, I have been working with MC simulations and the reconstruction/analysis pipeline.

My expertise is:

Python and C. Other languages include: Java, C++, Julia, LaTeX, Bash, R (Studio), MATLAB, and ROOT.

A problem I’m grappling with:

Currently, I am working on migrating the Muon Collider analysis pipeline from ILSoft to Key4HEP. This involves going from Marlin to Gaudi and from LCIO to edm4HEP.

I’ve got my eyes on:

The arXiv.

I want to know more about:

Everything related to high energy physics! I’m new to all of this and still learning (just started this year). I still have lots to learn.