IRIS-HEP Fellow: Volodymyr Shabanov

Fellowship dates: Jul – Oct, 2022

Home Institution: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Project: Role of Myocardin-Related Transcription Factors in the Smooth Muscle Cell gene program

In this project smooth muscle cells from the human coronary artery were treated with adenoviruses that express nothing (control group) or over-express myocardin (experimental group). There were 4 virus induced and 4 control samples. RNA was extracted from these cells and sequenced with paired-end reads on an illumina machine. The goal is to test how over-expression of myocarding affects other genes and to analyse the functional role of the affected genes.

More information: My project proposal

  • Dmytro Kryvokhyzha (Lund University Diabetes Center)

Presentations and Publications
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