IRIS-HEP Fellow: Maxym Naumchyk

Fellowship dates: Jul – Aug, 2022
Jun – Sep, 2023
Jul – Sep, 2024

Home Institution: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Project: Integrating ML algorithms for LHC data compression into the ESCAPE Virtual Research Environment

Integrate one of the current state-of-the-art ML algorithms designed for LHC data compression into the ESCAPE Virtual Research Environment as a part of the European Open Science Cloud. The successful results of the project will open the possibility of extending the use of this algorithm to other experiments and fields.

More information: My project proposal

  • Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester)

Project: Machine Learning on Network Data for Problem Identification

To provide a more effective method of identifying certain types of network issues using machine learning so that such problems can be quickly resolved before they impact scientists who rely on these networks.

More information: My project proposal

  • Shawn McKee (University of Michigan)

  • Petya Vasileva (University of Michigan)

Project: Adding new features to the Awkward-Array library

To add new QOL features to the Awkward library and to improve interconnection with similar features for ragged arrays, like RaggedTensor in TensorFlow's library and NestedTensor in PyTorch.

More information: My project proposal

  • Ianna Osborne (Princeton University)

  • Jim Pivarski (Princeton University)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status

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