IRIS-HEP Fellow: Alan Aneeth Jegaraj

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2020

Home Institution: University of Cincinnati

Project: Matrix Factorization for Primary Vertex Reconstruction in LHCb

The Large Hadron Collider beauty detector (LHCb) aims to answer the question “Why is matter more prevalent than anti-matter in the observable Universe” by studying beauty/bottom quarks (b-quarks) and their anti-matter counterpart (b anti-quarks) which were abundant at the time after Big-Bang. The LHCb detector is expected to produce 4Tb/sec of data when it starts running in 2021 after the LS2 maintenance is completed. This calls for efficient track and primary vertex (PV) reconstruction algorithms to analyze data effectively within a practical time frame using relatively low powered computers. This project aims to develop a python workflow to test the viability of matrix factorization for PV identification, specifically Matrix tri-factorization with orthogonality constraints.

More information: My project proposal

  • Gowtham Atluri (Asst. Professor, Dept. EECS, UC)

  • Mike Sokoloff (Professor, Dept. Physics, UC)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
September 2022 - Undergraduate Research Assistant at University of Cincinnati

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