IRIS-HEP Fellow: Baidyanath Kundu

Fellowship dates: Feb – Apr, 2021
Home Institution: Manipal Institute of Technology
Project: Reading CMS Run 1/2 miniAOD files with ServiceX and func_adl
ServiceX is a distributed, cloud-native application that extracts columnar data from HEP event data and delivers it to an analyst. The func_adl data query language is used to tell ServiceX how to extract the data (what columns, what simple cuts, etc.). The func_adl data query language has two backends that are currently part of ServiceX - one based on C++ for ATLAS data and one based on columnar processing using uproot and awkward arrays. The C++ backend currently runs only on the ATLAS binary format, xAOD. The C++ is generated in python. This project will modify the C++ backend to also run on CMS Mini-AOD binary files (Run 1/Run 2), starting by concentrating on Run 1. The Higgs-Discovery demo will be used as a guide.
More information: My project proposal
Gordon Watts (University of Washington)
- 30 Jun 2021 - "Reading CMS Run 1/2 miniAOD files with ServiceX and func_adl", Baidyanath Kundu, IRIS-HEP Topical Meetings Recording: Reading CMS Run 1/2 miniAOD files with ServiceX and func_adl
Current Status
April 2022 - Research Software Intern for the Compiler Research project ( and CERN SFT (at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland)
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