IRIS-HEP Fellow: Bo Zheng

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2020

Home Institution: Rice University

Project: pyhf Hardware Acceleration Benchmarking with GPUs and TPUs

Write a hardware acceleration benchmarking suite for the GPU enabled backends (TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX) in Python (pyhf Issues 301, 348). Write comparison plot generation code in Python for the performance of the GPU enabled backends against each other and the CPU backends. Thoroughly document the performance benchmarking in the form of a case study. Evaluate the hardware acceleration test suite using Google TPUs. Profile the pyhf codebase to determine where the hardware acceleration is making the largest difference.

More information: My project proposal

  • Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
  • Lukas Heinrich (CERN, pyhf dev team)

  • Giordon Stark (UCSC, pyhf dev team)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
July 2022 - Software Engineer at Google

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