IRIS-HEP Fellow: Jerry Ling

Fellowship dates: Jun – Sep, 2022

Home Institution: Harvard University

Project: Reading (and possibly writing) RNTuples in Uproot

Uproot is a Python library that reads and writes ROOT files, the file format for nearly all particle physics data. RNTuple is a new, fully columnar data format for ROOT, which is intended as the eventual replacement for TTree (paper, plans, and spec. Thanks to its columnar structure, data structures of any complexity can be zero-copy converted (apart from decompression) into Awkward Arrays. In this project, the successful candidate would develop the interface code in Uproot to read RNTuple data into Awkward Arrays. If time permits, the candidate may attempt to implement RNTuple-writing and RNTuple reading in sister projects in Julia-lang as well.

More information: My project proposal

  • Jim Pivarski - (Princeton)

Presentations and Publications
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