IRIS-HEP Fellow: Max Orok

Fellowship dates: Jan – Jul, 2021
Home Institution: University of Ottawa
Project: CMSSW Generating ROOT RNTuple NanoAODs
Develop a CMSSW output module to generate nanoAOD files using the RNTuple format. This will help validate the RNTuple class design in the context of a large experiment framework and allow for comparisons between the TTree and RNTuple formats for compact analysis object data (AOD) files.
More information: My project proposal
Jakob Blomer (CERN)
Daniel Riley (Cornell University)
- 30 Jun 2021 - "CMSSW Generating ROOT RNTuple NanoAODs", Max Orok, IRIS-HEP Topical Meetings Recording: CMSSW Generating ROOT RNTuple NanoAODs
Current Status
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