IRIS-HEP Fellow: Mykhailo Varvarin

Fellowship dates: Jun – Sep, 2024
Home Institution: Kyiv Academic University
Project: Extending the Alpaka performance portability library with CUDA Cooperative Groups for the CMS pixel reconstruction
This project aims to enhance the Alpaka API to support launching Alpaka kernels utilizing CUDA Cooperative Groups. It will involve a detailed examination of Alpaka’s current accelerator and kernel launch mechanisms to identify integration points for cooperative group functionalities. The result of the project will be a prototype of Alpaka with support for CUDA Cooperative Groups. Should the final prototype be feature-ready, it will be tested within the CMS Pixeltrack project.
More information: My project proposal
Jiří Vyskočil (Center for Advanced Systems Understanding)
Volodymyr Bezguba (Kyiv Academic University)
Current Status
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