IRIS-HEP Fellow: Sambridhi Deo

Fellowship dates: Jul – Sep, 2023

Home Institution: Caldwell Universiy

Project: REANA workflow for Dark Matter Searches

REANA is a platform for reproducible data analysis workflows that can be run at scale. REANA has been used extensively for running containerized workflows of LHC experiments, like ATLAS, and for reinterpretation of published analyses. This project would aim to implement a REANA workflow for a galaxy rotation-curve fitting analysis (RCFM) to improve replicability and to provide a starting point for future work.

More information: My project proposal

  • Lukas Heinrich (Technical University Munich)

  • Matthew Feickert (UW-Madison)

  • Amy Roberts (CU Denver)

  • Giordon Stark (UC Santa Cruz)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status

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