IRIS-HEP Fellow: Scott Demarest

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2022
Home Institution: Florida Institute of Technology
Project: Enable Dask interopability with xrootd-accessible storage systems
Develop an implementation of fsspec, a popular data storage API, that enables it to work with the xrootd accessible storage systems common in HEP. The implementation will enable Dask, and other data analysis Python packages that use fsspec, to work seamlessly with xrootd. The final product will be a middleware software package containing the implmenation itself along with docs, tests and examples.More information: My project proposal
Nick Smith (FNAL)
Jim Pivarski (Princeton)
- 28 Sep 2022 - "Enable Dask interopability with xrootd-accessible storage systems", Scott Demarest, IRIS-HEP Fellows Presentations 2022 Recording: Enable Dask interopability with xrootd-accessible storage systems
Current Status
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