IRIS-HEP Fellow: Sean Condon

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2020
Home Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Project: Developing selection algorithms to reduce output data rate from the Large Hadron Collider
The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider produces around 40 Tbits/s of data while running. The main goal of this project is to develop multivariate algorithms for run 3 of the LHCb experiment to select the interesting parts of this immense amount of data and discard the rest in real-time using only GPUs. To accomplish this, I will develop and evaluate many possible multivariate algorithms to find the best fitted for this task, and then deploy these into the baseline algorithm repository for LHCb run 3.
More information: My project proposal
Michael Williams (MIT)
- 28 Sep 2020 - "Particle decay classifiers for the LHCb Run 3 first-level trigger", Sean Condon, IRIS-HEP Topical Meetings Recording: Particle decay classifiers for the LHCb Run 3 first-level trigger
Current Status
February 2022 - Machine Learning Engineer at Deepcell Inc.
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