IRIS-HEP Fellow: Suhaib Shaikh

Fellowship dates: Jul – Sep, 2020

Home Institution: University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Project: Proactive Site Monitoring

Researchers using the OSG rely on the stability of resources in order to accomplish their science. The OSG’s GRACC accounting service collects usage information for all sites contributing to and all jobs that run on the OSG. The accounting service is a large source of information on the OSG. The accounting data is stored within an ElasticSearch database at UNL. Monitoring using this accounting service exists that will alert when a site completely fails, but there is no alerting on a decrease in functionality of a site. My project would be to develop proactive site monitoring to alert on site issues detected from the GRACC accounting system. The alert would run periodically on OSG resources.

More information: My project proposal

  • Derek Weitzel (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
Presentations and Publications
Current Status
December 2022 - Associate Developer at Silverline

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