IRIS-HEP Fellow: Sukanya Krishna

Fellowship dates: Jun – Sep, 2021
Home Institution: University of California, San Diego
Project: Particle Graph Autoencoders for Real-Time Jet Anomaly Detection
Graph neural network (GNN) based autoencoders can beeffective mechanisms for reconstructing particle jets and isolating anomalous signals from background data. The goal of this project is to investigate different types of graph-based autoencoders as well as randomized neural network architectures, including variational autoencoders or normalizing flows. These architectures will then be used to analyze new data sets like the public DarkMachines data set, or more complex CMS simulation to search for new physics.
More information: My project proposal
Javier Duarte (University of California, San Diego)
- 20 Sep 2021 - "Particle Graph Autoencoders for Real-Time Jet Anomaly Detection", Sukanya Krishna, IRIS-HEP Topical Meetings Recording: Particle Graph Autoencoders for Real-Time Jet Anomaly Detection
Current Status
October 2022 - Envision: Art and Engineering Maker Space Volunteer at UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
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