IRIS-HEP Fellow: Tomohiro Yamazaki

Fellowship dates: Jul – Sep, 2020

Home Institution: University of California, Berkeley

Project: ACTS integration into the ATLAS reconstruction software

The track reconstruction is the most time-consuming part of the ATLAS reconstruction software, and the HL-LHC upgrade requires significant innovation to perform tracking in the high pile-up environment. A Common Tracking Software (ACTS) is an open-source project developing an experiment-independent set of track reconstruction tools. This project aims to integrate ACTS into the ATLAS reconstruction software and evaluate the ACTS (Combined) Kalman Filter tracking performance with the ATLAS ITk detector layout.

More information: My project proposal

  • Heather Gray (University of California, Berkeley)
Presentations and Publications
Current Status
December 2021 - Postdoctoral Research at University of California Berkeley

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