IRIS-HEP Fellow: Abdelrahman Elabd

Fellowship dates: Jan – Jul, 2021

Home Institution: University of Pennsylvania

Project: Creating a Python Front-End for HLS Implementation of GNNs on FPGA

FPGA-implementation of GNN particle-tracking algorithms can reduce latency to the speeds necessary for tracking at the LHC, but the catch is that FPGA/HLS design is time and effort intensive. This hinders the speed with which we can implement and test new GNN structures and training paradigms. This project proposes to develop a Python front-end which converts trained pytorch.geometric GNN models into identical HLS representations, and to integrate this functionality into the hls4ml toolkit. This functionality will allow us to keep up with new developments in GNNs such as quantization-aware training, which may further reduce latency and resource usage while providing less lossiness than post-training quantization.

More information: My project proposal

  • Markus Atkinson (UIUC)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
April 2023 - first-year student in the Physics Department at the University of Washington and Fellow in the WATCHEP DOE Training program

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