IRIS-HEP Fellow: Aman Goel

Fellowship dates: Feb – Aug, 2022
Jun – Aug, 2021

Home Institution: Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi

Project: Hist Serialization and Interactivity

This project proposes the development of the Hist library further via the implementation of new features and advanced functionality such as serialization, interpolator integration and improved reprs. It would also address bug fixes, test coverage and documentation.

Further, it proposes the development of the uproot-browser into a fully functional library that would be based on textual and be able to view histograms. It would have a tree-like browser on the left, a plotext based plot viewer on the right and a potential control box below the plot. It would enable a user to browse and look inside a ROOT file, completely via the terminal.

More information: My project proposal

  • Henry Schreiner (Princeton University)

Project: Advancing the Hist library

Hist is a powerful Histogramming tool for analysis based on boost-histogram. It is a friendly analysis-focused project that uses boost-histogram as a backend to do the work, but provides plotting tools, shortcuts, and new ideas.

To advance the Hist library further, this project proposes the implementation of various features, testing, improved documentation and tutorials. This would help in improving the performance, usability, accessibility and scope of functionality of the library.

More information: My project proposal

  • Henry Schreiner - (Princeton University)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
January 2023 - Research Software Engineer at The University of Manchester

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