IRIS-HEP Fellow: Nicholas Decheine

Fellowship dates: May – Aug, 2021
Home Institution: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Project: Implementing ServiceX Data as a Source for ROOT’s RDataFrame
ServiceX is a smart data delivery service used by physicists to retrieve data subsets for analysis. This project aims to develop a streamlined C++ software service that bridges the gap between ServiceX experiment data acquisition and the creation and instantiation of a ROOT RDataFrame for analysis. It will accomplish this by fetching ServiceX data using a user request, construct an RDataFrame instance using the fetched data, and return it to the user, ready for analysis. This utility will streamline the analysis process so that physicist will spend less time on organizing their data and more time doing meaningful analysis on a virtual data frame. The demo dataset will be CMS Higgs event data from CERN’s Open Data collection.
More information: My project proposal
- Gordon Watts (University of Washington)
- 1 Nov 2021 - "Implementing ServiceX data as a source for ROOT’s RDataFrame", Nicholas Decheine, IRIS-HEP Topical Meetings Recording: Implementing ServiceX data as a source for ROOT’s RDataFrame
Current Status
February 2022 - R&T Software Engineer at Abbott
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