IRIS-HEP Fellow: Haoran Sun

Fellowship dates: Jun – Sep, 2022

Home Institution: University of Washington

Project: Enabling support for MiniAOD Transformer for ServiceX Data Delivery Service

The func_adl data query language has two backends that are currently part of ServiceX - one based on C++ for ATLAS data and CMS data, and one based on columnar processing using uproot and awkward arrays. The C++ backend currently runs only on the ATLAS binary format (xAOD) and CMS binary format (CMS AOD). This project aims to create an interface similar to the existing func_adl_xAOD repository, where both CMS AOD and ATLAS xAOD backends are available, such that the user can send hierarchical SQL-like queries to a MiniAOD backend. The project also includes the required modifications of the C++ ServiceX backend to allow processing the publicly available CMS MiniAOD binary files.

More information: My project proposal

  • Gordon Watts (University of Washington)

  • Benjamin Galewsky (NCSA)

  • Oksana Shadura (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)

  • Mason Proffitt (University of Washington)

  • Alexander Held (New York University)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status

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