IRIS-HEP Fellow: Natalie Bruhwiler

Fellowship dates: May – Aug, 2022

Home Institution: University of California, Berkeley

Project: Muon Collider Tracking Software

A muon-collider is an option for future high-energy physics. However, because of the short lifetime of a muon, the detector has to cope with a large rate of beam-induced background caused by muon decay products. The algorithms used for charged particle reconstruction (tracking) need to successfully differentiate this noise from products of the main muon-muon collision, which results in a very large conbinatorial problem. This project involves investigating how the tracking algorithms can be improved and, if time allows, focusing on the optimization of the algorithm and the detector layout.

More information: My project proposal

  • Simone Pagan Grisio (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

  • Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status

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