IRIS-HEP Fellow: Peter Ridolfi

Fellowship dates: May – Aug, 2022

Home Institution: University of Pittsburgh

Project: Designing and implementing a converting tool for statistical models between pyhf and CMS combine

The main goal of this project is to develop a tool that actively identifies and accommodates similarities and nuances between pyhf and CMS Combine models. The tool must be able to convert the given parameters form one type of model to the other type, while maintaining a high degree of accuracy between the actual functionality and predictions that are made by the models. Additionally, the tool should be able to give feedback concerning expected differences in these outputs based on the parameters that are given, and the limitations of the tool itself. Ultimately, the tool will serve as another method for better understanding the models that are created and the predictions that they make.
GitHub url:

More information: My project proposal

  • Matthew Feickert (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  • Alexander Held (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  • Kyle Cranmer (NYU / University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
August 2022 - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant at University of Pittsburgh

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