IRIS-HEP Fellow: Storm Lin

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2021

Home Institution: UC Berkeley

Project: Benchmarking Prototype Analysis Codes on the Coffea-Casa Analysis Facility

This project seeks to expand existing demo analyses that use the coffea and cabinetry Python packages for high energy physics to build towards the IRIS-HEP analysis grand challenge. In particular, it will demonstrate the integration between these two tools as well as benchmark their performance by using them to recreate an analysis from the ATLAS Open Data. This benchmarking will be done on the newly-developed coffea-casa analysis facility and will also serve as a test and demonstration of the coffea-casa system.

More information: My project proposal

  • Kyle Cranmer (New York University)

Presentations and Publications
Current Status
June 2022 - Research Assistant at Stony Brook University

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