IRIS-HEP Fellow: Tuong Phung

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2021

Home Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Project: Scaling the Coffea-Casa Analysis Facility

This project aims to further develop the Coffea-Casa Analysis Facility (AF) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). This will involve facilitating the use of the Coffea-Casa AF for UNL and Boston University physicists currently working with CMS NanoAOD datasets. Additionally, the ServiceX and SkyHook services will be deployed together at the Coffea-Casa AF to be integrated in developed analysis examples.

More information: My project proposal

  • Frank Golf (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

  • Oksana Shadura (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

  • Ken Bloom - University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

  • Brian Bockelman (Morgridge Institute for Research)

Presentations and Publications

Current Status

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