IRIS-HEP Fellow: Vladimir Ovechkin

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2020
Home Institution: University of Washington, Seattle
Project: Integrating MadAnalysis and pyhf into Recast-workflow
Recast-workflow is able to quickly construct new truth-level reinterpretations to determine which regions of phase space would be interesting for a full reinterpretation that is much more computationally expensive and difficult to make. It accomplishes this by simplyifing the process to 3 steps: generation, selection, and analysis. Recast-cli (command line interface for Recast-workflow) has been previously developed to provide a user interface for creating and executing new workflows compromised of several different combinations of options for each step. In RECAST-workflow’s current state, the workflows only run on the user’s local machine using RECAST-cli. The goal of this project is three fold: add new options for the selection step of RECAST-workflow besides Rivet (e.g. MadAnalsyis), add alternative statistical tools (e.g. pyhf), and to run the workflows in REANA on the cloud.
More information: My project proposal
Shih-Chieh Hsu (U.Washington)
Lukas Heinrich (CERN)
Alex Schuy (U.Washington)
- 21 Sep 2020 - " Recast-workflow: Fast Truth-level Interpretations", Vladimir Ovechkin, IRIS-HEP Topical Meetings Recording: Recast-workflow: Fast Truth-level Interpretations
Current Status
June 2022 - SDE Intern at Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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