RECAST is a framework for extending the impact of existing analyses performed by high-energy physics experiments.

  • Request: Upload alternative signals in the LHE format and request that any given analysis is “recast” for an alternative model. Note: this is a request, there is no obligation for the experiments to respond.

  • Subscribe: Anyone can subscribe to an analysis to be informed of activity associated with the analysis

  • Recast: Experimentalists can accept the request, process these alternative signals with the full simulation, reconstruction, and analysis selection. If authorized by their collaboration, they can respond with an authoritative result for the selection efficiency and cross-section limits for the alternative signal. Note, anyone can provide a non-authoritative result, for instance one based on a phenomenological recasting tool.

ATLAS paper figure from open is not enough image of HEPData

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IRIS-HEP is proud to sponsor the Analysis Preservation Bootcamp at CERN on 17-19 February, 2020.

