The Scikit-HEP project is a community-driven and community-oriented project with the aim of providing Particle Physics at large with a Python package containing core and common tools. The project started in Autumn 2016 and is under active development.

For what concerns the project grand structure, it should be seen as a toolset rather than a toolkit. It is not just about providing common tools for the community. It is also about improving on discoverability of utility packages and projects.

Scikit-HEP should be seen as a toolset of Python packages. The project defines a set of five pillars, which are seen to embrace all major topics involved in a physicist’s work. These are:

  • Datasets: data in various sources, such as ROOT, NumPy/Pandas, databases, wrapped in a common interface.
  • Aggregations: e.g. histograms that summarize or project a dataset.
  • Modeling: data models and fitting utilities.
  • Simulation: wrappers for Monte Carlo engines and other generators of simulated data.
  • Visualization: interface to graphics engines, from ROOT and Matplotlib to even beyond.


