Snowmass Letters Of Interest submitted by IRIS-HEP Members

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Snowmass Mountain Photo Credit: Nelsestu at English Wikipedia - Self-photographed, Public Domain, []

Every decade the US Particle Physics community gathers to lay out ideas, plans, and priorities for the next decade - called the Snowmass process. The year long study covers everything from detector design, the potential of proposed future accelerators, new physics models, and, of course, computing. The process starts with members of the particle physics community, both national and international, submitting Letters of Interest. These letters of interest (LOIs) are short two page summaries of plans for the next two years. They serve as a notice of work to be done and as an advertisement meant to attract other like-minded individuals. They are an excellent grass-roots gauge of what the community is thinking for the next decade!

LOI’s submitted

Members of IRIS-HEP submitted 11 LOI’s. The computational frontier received more than 120 LOIs. Listed here, along with links and a short summary:

All LOI’s can be found on the main Snowmass website.