IRIS-HEP Fellow: Saransh Chopra

Fellowship dates: Jun – Aug, 2022
Home Institution: Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi
Project: Vector - Constructors, documentation, and benchmarks
Vector is a Python library for 2D, 3D, and Lorentz vectors, including arrays of vectors, designed to solve common physics problems in a NumPy-like way. Vector currently supports pure Python Object, NumPy, Awkward, and Numba-based (Numba-Object, Numba-Awkward) backends. </br> </br> The user-facing API of Vector is a bit confusing as it does not expose its true API, which are the Python classes. The current API provides wrapper functions (named as obj, arr, and awk) to users which are also shown in the internal classes’ repr methods, making these constructor functions even more ambiguous. </br> </br> Additionally, the vector library lacks proper user as well as API documentation. Currently, there are no detailed explanations in the existing tutorials, and most of the functions and classes do not contain docstrings, which automatically render when displayed on the documentation website. Furthermore, benchmarking would be a valuable addition to the Vector project, which could then be propagated to all Scikit-HEP packages in the future. </br> </br> This project would aim to prepare Vector for its first major release by exposing its internal API to the users, improving the documentation, and adding benchmarks.
More information: My project proposal
Henry Schreiner (Princeton University)
Jim Pivarski (Princeton University)
- 21 Oct 2024 - "A new SymPy backend for vector: uniting experimental and theoretical physicists", Saransh Chopra, CHEP 2024
- 3 Jul 2024 - "A new SymPy backend for vector: uniting experimental and theoretical physicists", Saransh Chopra, PyHEP 2024 (virtual) Workshop Recording: A new SymPy backend for vector: uniting experimental and theoretical physicists
- 26 Feb 2024 - "Enabling auto-differentiation for the Scikit-HEP ecosystem", Saransh Chopra, Research Software Intern Talks
- 9 Oct 2023 - "What's new with Vector? First major release is out!", Saransh Chopra, PyHEP 2023 (virtual) Workshop Recording: What's new with Vector? First major release is out!
- 27 Oct 2022 - "Compiling Awkward Lorentz Vectors with Numba", Saransh Chopra, 21st International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research
- 5 Oct 2022 - "Vector - Constructors, documentation, and benchmarks", Saransh Chopra, IRIS-HEP Fellowship Final Presentations Recording: Vector - Constructors, documentation, and benchmarks
- 13 Sep 2022 - "Constructing HEP vectors and analyzing HEP data using Vector", Saransh Chopra, PyHEP 2022 (virtual) Workshop Recording: Constructing HEP vectors and analyzing HEP data using Vector
- 15 Jun 2022 - "Vector - Constructors, documentation, and benchmarks", Saransh Chopra, IRIS-HEP Fellows Lightning Talks Recording: Vector - Constructors, documentation, and benchmarks
Current Status
August 2024 - Assistant Research Software Engineer at Centre for Advanced Research Computing, University College London
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